Jennifer Cabanero

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Senior iRest Trainer
iRest Certification Supervisor
Supervisor of Trainers

In 2003, Jennifer was introduced to the deeply healing practice of Yoga Nidra, and specifically to the teachings of Richard Miller.

in just a few sessions, She felt a profound shift in her ability to be at ease amidst the ups and downs of life.  Jennifer immediately dove into both a personal practice and formal study of this beautiful form of self-inquiry. In 2010 she became a certified iRest teacher. She is also a Supervisor for trainees in the iRest certification process.

Jennifer has been teaching yoga since 1998. She encourages connecting the breath with sensation, moment to moment, so that the poses arise from an inner wisdom rather than an outer form imposed upon the body. Jennifer has also been the studio manager of The Yoga Tree in Seattle for the last 15 years.

Through iRest, Jennifer has become aware of a deep sense of wholeness that has always been present and with this wholeness, an ability to fully welcome life with all of its ups and down. How could she not share this with the world?

Teacher Specialty