Michele Casey Carr

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Certified in Advanced Training of iRest Yoga Nidra (Level II)

Michele has been in private practice for massage and bodywork since 1999. She specializes in working with individuals who are invested in engaging in the mind – body connection. Taking an active role in health and healing through meditation or prayer, yoga, nutrition, stress management & regular bodywork are ways we can facilitate wellness within our lives. Getting therapeutic massage helps remind the body how to maintain balance, increase self awareness, release stressful emotions, nourish a state of peace & just simply relax.

Integrating iRest into her practice in 2011 has been a natural progression in personal and professional development. Most clients come in for massage/bodywork initially for physical aches and pains. Interestingly, after a few sessions of bodywork, more awareness about beliefs, thoughts, emotions, pain & trauma are revealed. The physical body pain is often the messenger for greater and deeper levels of healing to emerge. The blend of iRest and Bodywork is a very nurturing process of deepening awareness of authentic well Being.

A Boise, Idaho native, Michele traveled for about 4 years after graduating high school to really explore life and the world outside of Idaho. She traveled to 38 states including Hawaii & Alaska, Canada, Mexico & Europe. She attributes her vast experiences with amazing healers, a clean diet, studying with Traditional West African Drum Masters & connection with the present moment in nature through meditation to be the reasons she healed herself from the symptoms of lupus. She was diagnosed with lupus at the age of 20 and has remained free from any symptoms or pain related to lupus since 1997.

Outside of the office she enjoys sharing time with her family, cooking, Traditional West African Drumming, Ecstatic Dance, meditation, time in the mountains & travel.

Michele’s fur kids, Keesha & Duke, also like to come to the office sometimes – hard at work – Fulfilling their role as urban North Carolina Shih Tzu. The Shih Tzu traditionally live among the monks in the monasteries of Tibet to help create a calm and loving environment.

You are welcome to visit my website at www.PiedmontMedicalMassage.com

Michele lives in Raleigh, NC

Teacher Specialty
Chronic Pain