Randi Goss

iRest Level 1

Profile picture for user randi.goss-feliciano

     Everyone deserves to rest. Finding rest has not always been easy for me due to trauma. I would fear going to sleep and was in a constant hyperalert, fight or flight nervous system response. It was not until a friend introduced me to iRest at her local Vet Center that I understood what proper rest felt like. I received the best rest I have received in years in a room full of strangers. The teacher then gifted the group members a CD to take home and practice iRest independently. Every night for months, I would fall asleep to the recorded iRest. Over time, I could stay in the rest and highest nervous system state during the day for longer and longer periods.

     If you can identify with my experience of living in a hyper-vigilant state and would like to practice iRest, email me to set up an in-person or online session at a financially assessable rate. 

Teacher Specialty
At Risk Youth
Chronic Pain
High School
Additional Teacher Specialty
Trauma informed yoga, Adaptive chair & wall yoga, RYT 200